Falling Into Winter: Backpacking in November, Part II

(this has been sitting in my drafts for far too long…) Read Part 1 Going to bed cold sucks.  But if you can get dry, and if your gear is warm enough, you can get comfortable and sleep well.  There are other things that you can do.  I think it’s good to get warm and get … More Falling Into Winter: Backpacking in November, Part II

Falling Into Winter: Backpacking in November, Part I

It started off like most camping trips: talk of gear and schedules, repeated trips to REI, and sugar plums dancing through our heads.  We had 4 guys, gear, and a plan.  Originally, we had picked a section of the Superior Hiking Trail for this trip, but the deer hunting opener was the same weekend as … More Falling Into Winter: Backpacking in November, Part I